Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My life is bored :-(

Feel that my life is getting bored now , I have no time to go to GYM or do another thing . My life is just working then sleeping ; then wake up and working . Haiz !! Who ask me need money meh , house also not rich like other , what I want also have to get it by myself . Sobxx :-( Feel that I am not that close to my friends now , because we have really less time to talk to each other or go hang out with them . And the most important thing is so difficult to meet my lao po since we all graduate from secondary school , feel like time doesn't move when I can't see her face . Now I just wish my result of SPM will allow me to get the loan and study in UTAR , then will have more people come to One Utama's Speedy shop to spend more money ( because I can get commisen from it ) . And also hope that I can have enough money to have my own car as soon as possible .

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