Today is Tse Hui's birthday , we not really go celebrate for her ( I mean our gang la ) . All of us have to work and some of that really no money to go out ( just like me ) . Luckily Jeh Ying and some of her another friends were going out to celebrate for her ( actually some is going to class gathering want lo ) . I joined them around 6p.m lo , then after that me and Tse Hui go find Shi Wei . After that we back to " Wong Kok " to eat the cake that Tse Hui's friends bought for her ( actually I also got share together want ) . After that some of them is leaving and some of them is going to their class gathering . So , I'm became alone again . I walking alone with no direction and target until I get a phone call , a phone call for my lovely wife . She told me that she arrived and ask me to wait her at Shi Wei's workplace there , I was so happy at that moment . While I saw her at that moment , I really don't know how to convey my feeling , it's was so happy . After that we go shop awhile to look for present to Shi Wei and Jia Qi ( for last year's birthday ) , finally we bought a black colour purse to Jia Qi and Shi Wei's present still searching . After that we go watched a movie named "Old Dogs" in TGV ( kolot punya tempat ) , and the movie is really make us laugh like crazy ( even we in the cinema at 8pm for a 7:30pm's show ) . After that we go shop awhile then her sister called her to tell her they had to leave ( really feel like don't want let her go want lo ) , and i forgotten to get my wallet back from her . That's what happened to me in 9/1/2010 .
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