Monday, December 28, 2009
First day back to Camel Active
Today just went back to jusco's Camel Active work , everything like changed but not really change . Actually I'm not really interest to work there want , feel damn bored and lifeless while working there . Actually I just work there while I'm waiting for my second interview from Celebrity Fitness centre . I really not be serious while working there since 6pm I in there , just hide inside store room and chatting with my friends there . Haiz !! Really hope Celebrity Fitness will call me as soon as possible and hire me ... GOOD LUCK to myself !!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The changing of my life
SPM is over , my secondary school life is also finally over , everything about my life is changing right now . But my love to my lao po is always the same . Haiz , feel so guilty to my lao po li , because last time I didn't keep money for my driving license when I was working last time . Lao po , I truly truly so regret right now . This few days keep looking for job , must get a job before 1st of January 2010 . Lao po is already told her parents that she couple with me right now , they didn't scold or say anything , just say be " friend "( mean couple ) no problem , I think they were warn us to not to do all those things that are too over ( I guess you should knew what is that right ? ) . I can't be still like a child anymore , can't throw all those problem to my parents anymore , I have to handle all those problem by myself right now . If I get the job then the salary must be manage it so well , and I'm already to let my lao po manage it for me ( I'm really very x 10 serious about it ) . If the salary is about RM 1300 , then I will give RM 300 to parents and RM 700 to let lao po keep . I think I will open a acc to let my lao po hold the acc book and also the ATM card . I can't simply use the money like before already , if not I can't give lao po a good life in the future . My life will totally be different in a future , my responsibility is getting bigger right now , is not only to myself and my parents , but also to my lao po . I knew we just couple for less than 7 months , but I'm really really love her so deep , I wish I could give her a future , give her her dream life in a future . I really want to marry her , want her to be my wife , want to have a good family with her . So what I want to do now is get a job , get a driving license and save money to buy a car . Now we can't meet everyday like in school already , we will miss each other when we can't see each other . Actually I really hate that feeling of can't see her lo , I really feel like hell when I can't see her , everytime we meet I also hope time can be stop at the moment , because I really hate the feeling when I have to say the word "GOODBYE" to her . Lao po , if you reading this then I want say sorry to you , sorry that didn't save money last time . Its my fault to cause we can't meet each other , just put the blame on me . Lao po , I'm sorry .
Friday, December 25, 2009
When will they call for second interview ???
SPM is already end about more than 2 weeks , not really done much more things , just went a prom and keep on go out . Everyone were already became so poor because of the prom , some more that's not really a very good prom . This few days just keep on looking for job , finally me , Jit Pian and Hoe Chong interviewed for vacancy in Celebrity Fitness . Me and Jit Pian applied for a position of greeter , and Hoe Chong interviewed for some position that do paper work . The salary was really not bad , but sometimes have to work at 5:30 am and sometimes have to work until 12am . 3 of us already passed the first interview and we're actually waiting to been inform for the second interview which will be do at Mid Valley there . Really hope the second interview can be done as soon as possible lo , and also hope that will hire me , because I really need money and really interested in that job
Monday, December 21, 2009
Prom Night
Its finally over , our S.M.K T.S Prom Night 2009 is finally end . Felt like time really passed so fast , last time still thinking about SPM , but now even prom night also end already . After today we are not a form 5's students anymore , what waiting for us is another different path way of life , everything will be changed . ( Except our friendship and my love to my wife ) Today not really so fun to me , feel like nothing to do there also . But overall still feel not that bad la . But at the moment they voting for prom queen and prom queen I really feel quite hard feeling , because they requested all the nominated prom queen act to propose to the nominated prom queen . Eventhough my wife's partner is my classmate - Travis , but when they acting that time I really damn hard feeling , really feel like wanna to stop them lo , every words they said when they act really make me feel like hell lo . ( lao po , I knew you also forced to do that de , I won't blame you ) Haiz ~~ miss my wife so much leh !!! Feel like wanna give my lao po a hug , wanna hug her tight . ( but also no chance ) . When we going back that time , I just can't control myself to keep on looking at my wife , really hope the trip can be longer and longer . I wish she will know how much I love her and how much I miss her right now . ( more photo please find in facebook )
Friday, December 18, 2009
Finally settled ~~
Just now suddenly been informed that our transport for prom night having some problem , nobody can fetch us go there and go back already . OMG !!! So we guys having a discussion in msn just now to discuss about this topic . All of us are getting mad during the conversation , all was starting to blame on each other and keep on type some unpolite words like "wtf" . Haiz !! I've ask Khai Chun to fetch us back , but he is taking his car to repair tomorrow , don't know whether can get it done before Monday or not . When I tell them then all starting to blame on me , really getting mad on that time lo . Then at the end my dad said he will fetch me if really nobody fetch us . SETTLED !!!
So the conclusion of the discussion is we guys go there by taxi or lrt , back home by Khai Chun or my daddy . THAT'S ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the conclusion of the discussion is we guys go there by taxi or lrt , back home by Khai Chun or my daddy . THAT'S ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thanks to Hoe Chong
I will always love you
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Another happy day !!
Last picture when my wife leave
Wanna look to each other de , but my wife keep laughing
My most beautiful wife ... Muaxx
My "xun lui" krystal
My best "ji mui" Jia Qi
See !! we bought a lot
Wao !! pretty girls , the green colour want is the prettiest .
Shy !! but really feel so sweet
I like the feel when we look at each other , but only see her half face
sweet !! but my emotion like so bad
Our first exchanged rings.. Sweet !!
Our rings
Just wish we can hold each other forever
What they seeing ??
My another good "ji mui"
Hehe ... our nice shoes
My wife's hand pain li >< sad
the action that I like the most
Capture me ?? capture you first
Aiya !! stick wall d
Nothing can separate us !!!
My wife said looks cool wor ... haha
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy happy happy happy !!!!!
My wife's shiny watch and my "Rolex"
Hahahahaha !!! I can't describe how happy I'm right now , something really meaningful happened to me just now . Wanna know what is that ?? SECRET ^-^ Today finally bought my prom's clothes , G2000 leh . I tried it once I reached home li , took some photo also li , hahaha . Just now I did not argue with Shi Wei they all li , beside that still so friendly with them li . Hahaha , don't know why now I really feeling damn happy lo . Tomorrow will be going to shop again li , sure have a lot of memory again . Hahaha , now feel like wanna go sleep now , tomorrow still have to wake up early . I can't let them say I always late anymore , must be the first person reach there . Hahahahaha
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Really need money so much right now !! Not just because of to buy clothes all those things , why I want money is to get my driving license . I don't want keep on ask my cousin or my parents fetch me go around anymore , it make me looks like a small child , like I'm useless . I really hope I can get my driving license too , but I can't , because I have no money to get it . Haiz ~~ That's why I always say money is everything , without money , we get nothing .
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Can I do anything for her ??
Just read "her" blog and knew that something quite unhappy happened on her , her mom rejected what she wanna to do , she had been argue with her mom about this stuff . I don't really about the detail , but from what she wrote in her blog I can feel that she were so disappointed and upset . I don't what they said to each other just now , but through the blog I can understand what her mom want . I guess her mom is getting annoy to fetch her go here go there , that's why she will ask her to get the driving license as soon as possible . I guess her mom not really not allowed her to work , maybe just because her mom don't want let her spend too much and want her learn how to save money . From other angle , her mom also do that for her own good , but just used the hardcore way . ( all also I guess only la ) called her just now but no body answer the phone ( maybe get tired for cry then fall as slept ) . Haiz !! why last time I did not save money from my salary ?? If I did not spend all of that then I can get my driving license already , then I can be her driver to fetch her go anywhere she want . I guess what can I do now is comfort her and chat with her only , that's only things that I can do for her now . EDWIN SOON !!! YOU ARE REALLY USELESS !!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Prom Prom Prom !!!
SPM is almost end , still left Geography and Chiness paper to take only . Actually almost all of other students already end their SPM , but my class damn "kesian" lo , have to wait until 15th of December for the Geography paper . Nobody will study hard now already want lo , what everyone talking is not about exam , is about prom . Prom is seted on 21st of December , still got 11 days before it . Feeling damn nervous right now , because I'm too fat right now . I'm afraid that I can't get stronger before prom . Hope I can control myself and the "Lipo 6" can really help me a lot lo . Except nervous , I was also so excited right now , because I can finally go out with my pretty wife . Can't wait to shop with her li , wanna buy clothes together with her . haha !! Don't know what style of dress will she wear for prom leh ?? But i knew what style also so pretty want ...XD haha!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Am I really lost myself ???
So disappointed to myself now . Suddenly feeling so lonely , like nobody I can talk to right now , all I can do is just write everything here . Yesterday didn't study at all for today's science's papers , when I reached school early in the morning , I was like walk into a strange world that I never know. All of my friends just discussing science , all of them just try their best in the examination . Really feel that I'm alone at the moment , because I'm the only person who are not study at all , the only one that not understand what are they talking about . I not even dare to join them , because I'm afraid that I will disturbed them .
When having paper two that time , I simply do all the question , not even have one question that I can confirm the answer . All I can do is just simply filled in the blank with anythings in mind at the moment . The paper is from 10a.m to 12:30p.m , but I'm already done at 11:45a.m . I did not check my answer in the remaining 45 minutes , because I knew no matter how many times I change the answer , it will also wrong . What I did in that 45 minutes is keep on look at my gf and communicate with her , I told her I did not study science at all , even failed I also don't mind . Suddenly she told that " I feel like the Edwin that I like is lost " . When I heard that I really no mood at all , because I feel that she is right . The Edwin who will study before exam and teach her is lost , now this Edwin is only know play computer , sms with gf and play facebook . I also don't know since when I have became this , really don't know why I will became don't like study and ignore about my result !!! WHY !!! Sometimes I really don't know what I want , bought the protein powder and paid the gymnasium fee but did not go work out . Get a new desk in room for study but did not study at all . Say want give my future wife a perfect life but ignore about my result . Feel that now I was giving up myself , giving up everythings from myself . I really hope I can be last time that Edwin , just study , go gym , and work . Now I really feel so stress , still got three more subject to take , I will prove to my gf that the Edwin she like is never lost at all .
When having paper two that time , I simply do all the question , not even have one question that I can confirm the answer . All I can do is just simply filled in the blank with anythings in mind at the moment . The paper is from 10a.m to 12:30p.m , but I'm already done at 11:45a.m . I did not check my answer in the remaining 45 minutes , because I knew no matter how many times I change the answer , it will also wrong . What I did in that 45 minutes is keep on look at my gf and communicate with her , I told her I did not study science at all , even failed I also don't mind . Suddenly she told that " I feel like the Edwin that I like is lost " . When I heard that I really no mood at all , because I feel that she is right . The Edwin who will study before exam and teach her is lost , now this Edwin is only know play computer , sms with gf and play facebook . I also don't know since when I have became this , really don't know why I will became don't like study and ignore about my result !!! WHY !!! Sometimes I really don't know what I want , bought the protein powder and paid the gymnasium fee but did not go work out . Get a new desk in room for study but did not study at all . Say want give my future wife a perfect life but ignore about my result . Feel that now I was giving up myself , giving up everythings from myself . I really hope I can be last time that Edwin , just study , go gym , and work . Now I really feel so stress , still got three more subject to take , I will prove to my gf that the Edwin she like is never lost at all .
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What am I doing now ??
SPM is on now...Already took Math , Moral , English , BM and also History papers . Feel so disappointed to myself , because I didn't well in all those papers , especially Math . I always thought that I' so smart , even just study one day before exam also can get past . But I'm totally wrong , wrong so badly . I really not suppose just put my target as a credit or just past , I should get A . I really so regret that I didn't spend more time to study . Now still got 4 more days to prepare for Account paper , but I still not yet study . I still keep on play computer and go out , feel that I'm pushing out the gred A from myself .
Monday, November 16, 2009
SPM !!!
2 days before SPM , getting stress and stress now . This few days just keep on focus on my history , I'm really regret that didn't study earlier before exam , now just can study from day to night , from night to day . I'm already can't get into sleep from 3 days , even study 5a.m I still not sleepy at all . Wednesday have to sit for Bahasa Melayu and History paper , Bahasa Melayu I'm not worry about it too much , what I worry the most is the history paper . I failed my History during trial examination , I really don't want fail any subject in SPM . SPM really so important to me , I really have to study at collage want . I'm not born rich , so i can't like others person that have a rich family to support them to collage or oversea to study . I can just get a loan from bank to continue my lesson if I can go to collage , so I must get a good result in SPM , if not the bank will not approve the loan for me to study .
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Stress !!
SPM is getting closer and closer , everyone already study like hell now . But I'm still sitting in front the computer to online , play facebook , play warcraft . I really don't know what result I'll get in SPM with this type of attitube :(
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gym Gym Gym !!!
Just now went to gym work out li
Feel so happy now li
But just now like not strong as last time li
Take so lightweight only li
Tomorrow must try to take heavier ...
Really hope I can get my protein sooner li
Have to wait until this coming wednesday li
Too long for me li ....
Tonight must sleep early
So that tomorrow can take heavier ...
Really so happy li
Feel so happy now li
But just now like not strong as last time li
Take so lightweight only li
Tomorrow must try to take heavier ...
Really hope I can get my protein sooner li
Have to wait until this coming wednesday li
Too long for me li ....
Tonight must sleep early
So that tomorrow can take heavier ...
Really so happy li
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Today lao po sick d li ...
So did not go to school ...
Then I skip school also ...XD
Worry about her li ...
Always headache and feel like vomit ...
Now still get sick li ...
Don't know how she feel now li ??
Don't know she got go consult doctor or not li ?
Ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really worry bout her li ...
Called her also did not answer ..=(
Sometimes really wish that is I got allergy nose li ...
So that lao po don't have to feel headache and wanna vomit
Everytime heard she not feeling well really make me worry de li ...
Just hope her mommy can bring her receive the candle treatment as soon as possible
So did not go to school ...
Then I skip school also ...XD
Worry about her li ...
Always headache and feel like vomit ...
Now still get sick li ...
Don't know how she feel now li ??
Don't know she got go consult doctor or not li ?
Ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really worry bout her li ...
Called her also did not answer ..=(
Sometimes really wish that is I got allergy nose li ...
So that lao po don't have to feel headache and wanna vomit
Everytime heard she not feeling well really make me worry de li ...
Just hope her mommy can bring her receive the candle treatment as soon as possible
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Life is really not so fair !!
Now is the 8th of 九皇爷诞。。。
I'm already working at the temple for 8 days li ...
This 8 days really feel that not fair at all li ...
Sometimes really getting mad about it
All those adult just like to keep on command us to work
Then always like to give comment to our works
I really hate that !!
And what make me really mad is ...
Heard that some people get same or even higher salary than us ...
And they didn't even have to work ....
Just because they having relationship with some BOD
I don't is true or not la ..
But really getting mad when i heard it lo ....
I'm already working at the temple for 8 days li ...
This 8 days really feel that not fair at all li ...
Sometimes really getting mad about it
All those adult just like to keep on command us to work
Then always like to give comment to our works
I really hate that !!
And what make me really mad is ...
Heard that some people get same or even higher salary than us ...
And they didn't even have to work ....
Just because they having relationship with some BOD
I don't is true or not la ..
But really getting mad when i heard it lo ....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What can I do ??
Yesterday chat with someone in MSN
Then my lao po mad on me about me..
She thought I care about the girl more than her
She thought I wanna court the girl
WTF !!!
I felt really upset that she will think that ...
Until now she still think that I will like other girls ??
I knew my image is like a playboy ...
I admit I like to chat with girls ...
But really does not mean that i wanna court them lo
Actually I don't have much more guys friends
Especially who have same topic with me ....
I don't mind if other people misunderstanding me
But I really feel so sad that my lao po misunderstanding me too lo
She should knew she is the only person that I like
The only person that I want to spend my whole life with
Can't she just trust me ??
I really don't know what can I do now lo
All I can do is going to school tomorrow explain to her
Then my lao po mad on me about me..
She thought I care about the girl more than her
She thought I wanna court the girl
WTF !!!
I felt really upset that she will think that ...
Until now she still think that I will like other girls ??
I knew my image is like a playboy ...
I admit I like to chat with girls ...
But really does not mean that i wanna court them lo
Actually I don't have much more guys friends
Especially who have same topic with me ....
I don't mind if other people misunderstanding me
But I really feel so sad that my lao po misunderstanding me too lo
She should knew she is the only person that I like
The only person that I want to spend my whole life with
Can't she just trust me ??
I really don't know what can I do now lo
All I can do is going to school tomorrow explain to her
Friday, October 16, 2009
Neway again !!!

Reached there about 2:30p.m
When I go fetch Tse Hui that time really so funny li
My daddy thought I am a playboy li...
He said why go out with this girl want ?? Boh Ying leh ??
Then he ask me why keep going out with others girls de...
Then I told them we are only friends li...
My girlfriend were Boh Ying...
Hahahahaha !!!
So regret didn't book room yesterday li
Today rooms fulled when we reached there
Have to wait until 5pm only got room li...
So we go Popular Bookshop buy books ...
I bought some revision books to study li ...
Hope all those books can help me get good result in SPM ....
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